Artículos y presentaciones en Congresos
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Acceso Abierto Proteasas de Bromeliaceae: V. Separación y purificación de sulfhidril - proteasas presentes en frutos de Bromelia balaasae Mez(1988) Priolo de Lufrano, Nora Silvia; López , Laura María Isabel; Caffini, Néstor Oscar; Natalucci, Claudia LuisaAlmost ripe fruits of Bromelia balansae Mez (Bromeliaceae) were blade homogeneized within cold (-20 O C ) acetone, providing a crude preparation that could be partialiy solubllized in phosphate buffer (pH 6,4) containing EDTA and cysteine 5 mM. Solutions hydrolize casein (maximum a c t ~ t ypH 6.25-8.5O), the activity being enhanced by addition of cysteine. The crude enzyme was purified by molecular sieve chromatography (Sephadex G-75, Superfme) and ion exchange chromatography (DEAE- and CM-Sepharose). Three proteolitically active fractions were thus obtained - Comunicacion
Acceso Abierto Proteasas presentes en el látex de frutos de Maclura pomifera (Raf.) Schneid. (Moraceae)(1989) López , Laura María Isabel; Natalucci, Claudia Luisa; Caffini, Néstor OscarLatex obtained by superficial incisions of Machra pomifera fruits, received on cold neutral phosphate buffer and centrifuged to remove gummy material, affords a crude extract with higher proteolylic activity between pH 8.75 and 10.6 and a notably thermal stability that can be advantageously kept as lyophyhed powder. Acetone precipitation followed by ion exchange chromatography (DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B and CM-Sepharose CL-6B) allows the purification of three active fractions.