Artículos, informes y presentaciones en Congresos
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Examinando Artículos, informes y presentaciones en Congresos por Autor "Bengoa, José Fernando"
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Embargado Influence of organic additives on the behaviour of zinc electroplating from alkaline cyanide-free electrolyte(2017) Pary, Paola; Bengoa, José Fernando; Conconi, María Susana; Bruno, Sonia; Zapponi, Monica; Egli, Walter AlfredoTwo similar polymeric organic compounds from the polyquaternium family were studied as levelling additives in an alkaline cyanide-free zinc plating electrolyte. One additive (LA) has amide bonds between its monomers and the other (LU) has urea unions in its chemical structure. Copper cementation on zinc and gas evolution during aging of the zinc coatings were used to evaluate the effect of the chemical structure of the organic additives on the characteristic deleterious aging process of the coatings when electrodeposited with LA. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction were used to follow surface morphology and crystallographic modifications of the coatings during aging. Faster copper cementation kinetics, zinc whiskers growth, blistering of the coating and N2, CH4, CO2and H2evolution were observed during accelerated aging of the coatings when LA was used. The coatings produced with LU did not show any aging effect. These studies show the strong influence that subtle changes in the chemical structure of the organic additive may have on the performance of zinc coating during storage. - Documento de conferencia
Acceso Abierto Microesferas de sílica mesoporosa como soportes de biocida natural en pinturas antifúngicas(2017) Bogdan, Sofía; Revuelta, Mariana Valeria; Bengoa, José Fernando; Deyá, Cecilia; Romagnoli, RobertoEl objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el empleo de microesferas de sílice mesoporosa MCM-41 como soporte del carvacrol para el desarrollo de pinturas antifúngicas de base agua. Las MCM-41 se sintetizaron mediante la técnica de Liu et al., fundada en el uso de ligandos de silicatos como precursores inorgánicos hidrolíticos y tensioactivos como especies porógenas. La carga del carvacrol en MCM-41 se realizó por impregnación y posterior adsorción de vapor en un vial herméticamente cerrado incubado a 40 º C durante 24 horas. Se formularon y prepararon pinturas base acuosa en las que se incorporó como aditivo, 2% p/p, microesferas impregnadas con carvacrol (Pintura A), una pintura con microesferas sin impregnar (Pintura B), una pintura con carvacrol 2% p/p en forma libre (Pintura C) y otra pintura control sin microesferas y sin carvacrol (Pintura D). Se pintaron paneles de yeso y se realizaron ensayos de bioresistencia de la película seca frente al hongo Aspergillus sp. Al finalizar el ensayo se realizó una inspección visual y observaciones mediante microscopia electrónica de barrido (MEB). Los resultados mostraron que los paneles con la Pintura C y D se encontraban cubiertos con crecimiento fúngico. El porcentaje de cobertura fue alrededor de un 30 a 70% para la pintura C y un porcentaje mayor a 70% para la pintura D. Las pinturas A y B no presentaron crecimiento a simple vista. Las observaciones en MEB mostraron diferencias entre estas dos últimas, exponiendo crecimiento en el caso de la Pintura B. Estos resultados indican que la incorporación de las microesferas de por sí tienen un efecto biocida, debido muy probablemente al tensioactivo utilizado para su síntesis. A su vez, las micrografías MEB revelan que la impregnación del carvacrol en la sílice mejora aún más el efecto biocida de las microesferas. Este estudio demuestra que las microesferas de sílica mesoporosa MCM-41 podrían ser una alternativa como soporte para la carga del carvacrol en pinturas con actividad antifúngica. - Artículo
Acceso Abierto Ultrasound Assisted Electrodeposition of Cu-SiO2 Composite Coatings: Effect of Particle Surface Chemistry(2019) Bengoa, Leandro N.; Ispas, A.; Bengoa, José Fernando; Bund, A.; Egli, Walter AlfredoElectrodeposition of Cu-SiO2 composite coatings from an alkaline non-cyanide electrolyte containing glutamate as complexing agent was studied. Silica mesoporous particles were synthesized using a modified Stöber methodology, and later their surface chemistry was changed by functionalizing them with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane. Particles microstructure and morphology were characterized (SEM, TEM, XRD) and their charging behavior in several electrolytes was studied through ζ -potential measurements. Galvanostatic deposition was performed in electrolytes containing both as-prepared and functionalized SiO2 at various current densities, and the influence of ultrasonic irradiation (37 Hz) was evaluated. For some experiments, 1.5 g L− of Polyquaternium 7 were added to the solution. SEM and XRD were used to characterized coatings morphology and microstructure, whereas EDS was used to estimate SiO2 wt%. The results showed that the effect of ultrasound on the codeposition process depends on current density and particle surface chemistry. All the trends observed in this study could be explained taking into account ζ -potential values recorded and previously reported theories. Adjusting the experimental conditions, it was possible to obtain deposits with SiO2 contents of ≈5 wt%. Finally, it was found that both ultrasonic irradiation and Polyquaternium 7 affect the morphology and crystal orientation of the deposits.