Artículos, informes y presentaciones en Congresos
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Examinando Artículos, informes y presentaciones en Congresos por Autor "Blustein, Guillermo"
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Acceso Abierto Hacia una reducción del contenido de cobre en pinturas antiincrustantes(Rede Latino-Americana de Materiais, 2015) Garcia, Mónica Teresita; Pérez, Miriam; Stupak, Mirta E.; Blustein, GuillermoEl biofouling conduce al deterioro de las estructuras emplazadas en el mar acarreando graves pérdidas económicas. La aplicación de pinturas a base de óxido cuproso es el método más difundido para el control de las incrustaciones aún siendo nocivas para los ecosistemas marinos. Ante la necesidad de desarrollar formulaciones más inocuas se propone el uso de productos de origen natural que puedan reemplazar parte del cobre disminuyendo su aporte al medio ambiente. El timol se aísla de los aceites esenciales de numerosas plantas (tomillo, orégano, albahaca) y ha sido ampliamente estudiado por sus propiedades antimicrobianas. La hipótesis que se plantea es que inhibiría el proceso inicial del asentamiento de organismos incrustantes. El objetivo de este trabajo es reducir el contenido de cobre en las pinturas antifouling empleando al timol como aditivo. Se prepararon dos pinturas antifouling, una conteniendo 16% v/v de cobre y otra con 1,6% de cobre + 2% de timol. Las pinturas se aplicaron sobre paneles de acrílico y se sumergieron en el puerto de Mar del Plata. Luego de 6 meses los paneles se retiraron y observaron en el laboratorio bajo lupa binocular y microscopio óptico. La estimación de la fijación para cada especie sobre los paneles se evaluó con una grilla de 25 puntos al azar. Se trabajó por triplicado, con controles y se aplicaron test estadísticos. Las pinturas con cobre+timol presentaron una muy buena performance dado que disminuyeron el asentamiento del biofouling. No se registraron diferencias significativas en los porcentajes de cobertura entre las formulaciones con cobre y la pintura con cobre+timol (p>0,05). El timol empleado como aditivo en la formulación antiincrustante permitió reducir 90% el contenido de cobre manteniendo la efectividad en servicio. - Artículo
Acceso Abierto Natural compounds as potential algaecides for waterborne paints(2018) Gómez de Saravia, Sandra Gabriela; Rastelli, Silvia Elena; Blustein, Guillermo; Viera, MarisaTo eliminate and prevent the formation of phototrophic biofilms on painted walls, chemicals are added to paints. These chemicals, in general, also have toxic effects on the environment. Plants synthesize secondary metabolites which have antimicrobial properties and that may be a sustainable alternative to traditional biocides. In this work, algal species isolated from biofilms formed on deteriorated painted surfaces were taxonomically identified. Observations with the optical microscope revealed the presence of mixed biofilms composed of algae belonging to the Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, and Streptophyta divisions. The algaecide effect of natural compounds of vegetal origin such as anisole, eugenol, guaiacol, and thymol was evaluated by the microatmosphere technique. Growth inhibition of phototrophic organisms was obtained with thymol in all the concentrations used. Eugenol and guaiacol showed a total growth inhibition at the highest concentration assayed (300 lmol cm 2) and a decrease in growth at 40 lmol cm 2, while anisole did not exert any inhibitory action at the assayed concentrations. Due to these results, eugenol, thymol, and guaiacol were incorporated in an exterior waterborne paint at a concentration of 2%. Samples painted with these formulations were not colonized by algae, indicating that these compounds could be used as biocides in paint formulations - Comunicacion
Acceso Abierto Natural compounds as potential algaecides for waterborne paints(2018) Gómez de Saravia, Sandra Gabriela; Rastelli, Silvia E.; Blustein, Guillermo; Viera, MarisaTo eliminate and prevent the formation of phototrophic biofilms on painted walls, chemicals are added to paints. These chemicals, in general, also have toxic effects on the environment. Plants synthesize secondary metabolites which have antimicrobial properties and that may be a sustainable alternative to traditional biocides. In this work, algal species isolated from biofilms formed on deteriorated painted surfaces were taxonomically identified. Observations with the optical microscope revealed the presence of mixed biofilms composed of algae belonging to the Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, and Streptophyta divisions. The algaecide effect of natural compounds of vegetal origin such as anisole, eugenol, guaiacol, and thymol was evaluated by the microatmosphere technique. Growth inhibition of phototrophic organisms was obtained with thymol in all the concentrations used. Eugenol and guaiacol showed a total growth inhibition at the highest concentration assayed (300 lmol cm 2) and a decrease in growth at 40 lmol cm 2, while anisole did not exert any inhibitory action at the assayed concentrations. Due to these results, eugenol, thymol, and guaiacol were incorporated in an exterior waterborne paint at a concentration of 2%. Samples painted with these formulations were not colonized by algae, indicating that these compounds could be used as biocides in paint formulations.