Examinando por Autor "Chen, Huilan"
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Acceso Abierto A Decision support system for evaluation of the knowledge sharing crossing boundaries in agri-food value chains(2019) Boshkoska, Biljana Mileva; Liu, Shaofeng; Zhao, Guoqing; Fernández, Alejandro; Gamboa, Susana; del Pino, Mariana; Zarate, Pascale; Hernandez, Jorge; Chen, HuilanAn agri-food value chain (VC) represents a set of activities aimed at delivering highly valuable products to the market. Due to the diversity of actors in the agri-food VCs ́ accumulated knowledge is typically situated within the boundaries of each entity of the VC. Hence, the question is how to improve knowledge sharing in agri-food VC, or more specifically how can knowledge flow and mobilize among different actors in the VC. To answer this question, we present a decision support system (DSS) for evaluation of knowledge sharing crossing boundaries in agri-food VC. The proposed DSS is developed through two phases: (i) identification of the most common knowledge boundaries by using machine learning and ontology technologies; (ii) transformation of the obtained ontology into a DSS for the evaluation of existing knowledge boundaries. In particular, the developed DSS helps in identifying, evaluating and providing directions for improvement of the knowledge sharing crossing boundaries in agri-food VC. We apply the DSS to evaluate three real VCs: a tomato VC in Argentina, a Chinese leaf VC in China and a brassica VC in the UK. The comparative analysis across the three varied case studies and their evaluation with the proposed DSS lead to more insights into knowledge-based decisions that a particular VC needs to address to improve its knowledge flow, in particular, to obtain insights in the transparency and interoperability of data and knowledge crossing boundaries in agri-food VCs. - Documento de conferencia
Acceso Abierto Knowledge mobilisation crossing boundaries: a multi-perspective framework for agri-food value chains(2020) Liu, Shaofeng; Zhao, Guoqing; Chen, Huilan; Fernández, Alejandro; Torres, Diego; Antonelli, Leandro; Panetto, Hervé; Lezoche, MarioKnowledge has long been recognised as a valuable asset to individuals, organisations and economy, subsequently knowledge management (KM) has been a well-established area of research. Existing research has developed various classification schemes for knowledge, and a great number of KM process and lifecycle models have been proposed over the last few decades. In particular, knowledge transfer and sharing has received great attention. However, majority of existing work has focused on knowledge sharing within the same organisation or community where people have a shared sense of identity, values and some common practice, hence knowledge process and learning is within relatively homogeneous groups. There is inadequate research to address the issue of knowledge boundaries and approaches to knowledge mobilisation spanning across knowledge boundaries. The knowledge boundaries can erect significant barriers to knowledge sharing and flowing especially in value chain context where there are a great number of players from different domains, with varied level of knowledge, having different and possibly conflicting interests - participating in knowledge sharing activities. This paper will explore how such knowledge boundaries can be identified and how knowledge gaps among different value chain players can be closed by using appropriate boundary-crossing mechanisms. A multi-perspective knowledge mobilisation framework is proposed. Example applications of the knowledge mobilisation framework in agri-food value chain will be illustrated, based on the most recent developments from an EU collaborative project, RUC-APS (standing for Risk and Uncertain Conditions in Agriculture Production Systems), which is funded by European Commission’s Horizon 2020 RISE programme.