Examinando por Autor "Motz, Regina"
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Acceso Abierto Agro-Knowledge Integration: Developing a FAIR data science approach for adding value to the agricultural supply chain(2021) Torres, Diego; Lezoche, Mario; Collazos, César; Codocedo, Víctor; Motz, Regina; Antonelli, Leandro; Panetto, Herve; Fernández, AlejandroFarms are the engine to support rural employment making a considerable contribution to territorial development. Even though they have always been considered a cornerstone of agricultural activity in the European Union (EU) and in Latin America, this sector most often suffers from very low efficiency and effectiveness, sensitivity to weather, market disruptions and other external factors. Two different problems in knowledge sharing are present in this domain. First, the various interoperability regulations between the countries. Although some efforts are done to bypass this problem, like the EU-Mercosur signed in the summer of 2019, the different process semantics implemented in each region are a serious threat to the fulfillment of the process interoperability. Another problem is that in most of the cases, the knowledge transferred from generation to generation is paramount from a cultural point of view, but most of the time, it does not answer to the needs nor the requirements of the agri-food value chain. We aim at creating the core technology for a knowledge hub that integrates and aligns international regulations in agricultural activities, such as FAO's best practices, and possibly the last-born EU-Mercosur regulations with the local restrictions, such as national policies, allowing the small farmers to access, in an easy way, a wider market through the certification of the practices and products. In order to develop this core technology, we propose to deploy various methodologies and tools working on the domains of knowledge formalization, domain alignment and visualization. The domain of formal representation allows for the semantic alignment of rules and restrictions from different institutional regulation bodies. Simultaneously, we will propose a model for incoherence detection letting us to highlight contradictory regulations. Those knowledge atoms and constructs will be represented through some visualization information interfaces according to the users’ needs. The methods and tools that will be employed are at the same time the pillars from the multi relational data mining (MRDM), the artificial intelligence (AI), the knowledge formalization (KF) domains, but will extend the interoperability properties of those domains to become a new interesting and valuable tool for the presented problem. This abstract is issued from an accepted Stic-AmSud project that wad elaborated during the secondments of the RUC-APS project. - Artículo
Acceso Abierto COVID-19, Changes in Educational Practices and the Perception of Stress by University Educators in Latin America – a Post-pandemic Analysis(2023) Frango-Silveira, Ismar; Mendes-de-Araújo, Renata; Farinazzo-Martins, Valéria; Eliseo, Maria Amélia; Albuquerque-de-la-Higuera-Amato, Cibelle; Casali, Ana; Torres, Diego; Costas-Jauregui, Vladimir; Collazos, César; Muñoz, Darwin; De la Rosa-Feliz, Cinthia; Yangüez-Cervantes, Nilda; Villaba-Condori, Klinge Orlando; Ibarra, Manuel; Rodés-Paragarino, Virginia; Motz, Regina; de Ambrosis, Maria Viola; Silva-Sprock, AntonioThe COVID-19 pandemic brought about profound changes in social and professional contexts. Schools and universities all over the world were closed to curb the contamination. In a short period, many educators were forced to reinvent their classes in a non-classroom mode, mediated by technology. This scenario of overwork can lead educators to stress, favoring distress, anxiety, and depression due to the uncertainties resulting from the pandemic and the search for new knowledge acquisition. This paper shows the research results conducted by university educators in Latin America who have been exercising teaching activities during social isolation imposed by COVID-19. The results show that with just one exception, educators from all countries reported suffering from some stress-related aspects concerning some manner to remote teaching. Higher workload perception came from women, unfolding gender inequalities amplified during pandemics. There is no clear relationship between the degree of technological expertise and stress factors, although, in general, educators use more time to prepare learning material and monitor students’ progress. Technological infrastructure was not a big concern for those educators in big cities, but some fundamental infrastructure problems were reported due to each country’s economic reality or geographic conditions. - Documento de conferencia
Acceso Abierto REMAR: REd Mercosur para la accesibilidad y la generación colaborativa de recursos educativos abiertos(2014) Díaz, Alicia; Fernández, Alejandro; Motz, Regina; Cechinel, Christian; García Díaz, María Elena; Mendez, HellenREMAR es una iniciativa para la formación y consolidación de una red de docentes de Mercosur interesados en el desarrollo colaborativo de recursos educativos abiertos y accesibles. La principal contribución de este artículo es difundir los objetivos de REMAR y presentar los aspectos tecnológicos que se pretende explorar en la conformación de la red de docentes. El principal objetivo de la red consiste en desarrollar un espacio virtual de comunicación donde los docentes de la región interesados en el tema de formación inclusiva - en todos los aspectos que este tema implicapuedan compartir experiencias y disponer de herramientas que faciliten el uso de contenidos educativos abiertos y accesibles; dando preponderancia al papel de la universidad como ente socialmente responsable. Además, el proyecto propone reutilizar y compartir los numerosos recursos que existen y que se incorporarán a la red de tal forma que el conocimiento sea abierto y compartido, en beneficio de muchos. Para ellos se usarán repositorios de recursos educativos que sean abiertos y fomenten la colaboración.\nParticularmente se trabajarán con aplicaciones wikis que favorezcan no solo la edición colaborativa de los recursos sino también la edición de los metadatos de accesibilidad. Los metadatos de accesibilidad son necesarios para las búsquedas contextualizadas. - Documento de conferencia
Acceso Abierto Scenarios, shared understanding, and group decision support to foster innovation networks(2023) Agredo-Delgado, Vanessa; Antonelli, Leandro; Collazos, César A.; Fernández, Alejandro; Zaraté, Pascale; Camiller, Guy; Hurtado, Julio; Lezoche, Mario; Motz, Regina; Panetto, Herve; Torres, DiegoCollaborative innovation involves diverse individuals and organizations working together to develop new ideas, products, or services. Successful collaboration in networked innovation projects is challenging due to the need to cross the knowledge boundaries that exist between organizations, disciplines, and cognitive frames. We propose an approach to support knowledge mobilization and learning in networked innovation projects. Scenarios, stored in a shared repository, are used to capture and share information about application and solution domains. A collaborative process guides participants to reach a shared understanding and construct shared meaning. Stakeholders engage in a collaborative decision-making process of scenario ranking that includes identifying and negotiating comparison criteria. Although the approach is presented with examples in the domain of agriculture, where validation of the constituent elements took place, it is domain independent.