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Acceso Abierto Corn starch-based coating enriched with natamycin as an active compound to control mold contamination on semi-hard cheese during ripening(2019) González Forte, Lucía Del Sol; Amalvy, Javier Ignacio; Bertola, NoraThe effectiveness of natamycin supported in corn starch-based films to control environmental molds (mainly Penicillium spp) activity that could colonize the surface of semi-hard cheese during ripening, was evaluated. The starch amount was maximized, and this was achieved by adding polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and also polyurethane (PU) to the formulation. The PU acted as plasticizer and also provided functional groups that interacted with the natamycin and affected its diffusion. When 5 % PU was added, the natamycin migration of the coating doped with 1% natamycin was reduced by half. The natamycin distribution on both sides of the film was also evaluated, concluding that, in line with the reduced migration, when polyurethane is included, the formulation presents high hydrophobicity and natamycin is left with a preferential distribution towards the air face (exterior). For microbiological tests, microorganisms were isolated from cheese factories. Natamycin solutions showed inhibitory effect against environmental molds including Penicillium spp. Accordingly, films loaded with 0.1 % natamycin showed a significant inhibitory effect against Penicillium spp. The polymer combination in this work was optimized to obtain an active coating with good physicochemical properties and enriched with natamycin that has proven to be available for acting against molds and preferentially on the surface exposed to potential mold attack during ripening. - Documento de conferencia
Acceso Abierto Recubrimiento biocida para elementos de protección para personal sanitario(2020) Canosa, Guadalupe; Alfieri, Paula V.El objetivo del Proyecto es mejorar la protección física de quienes se exponen cotidianamente con altas cargas virales, con un sistema protector biocida que actúa inmediatamente sobre las partículas virales que se depositen, inactivándolas. El producto es una formulación con actividad biocida, la cual desactiva la partícula viral que genera el Covid-19. La formulación desarrollada por el grupo de investigación perteneciente al Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales (UTN-CIC) posee tres formas de acción: 1) Sanitiza la superficie debido a que su base es alcohólica; 2) Genera una impermeabilidad lo cual hace que las microgotas de secreción, que transportan las partículas virales, no queden en superficie y, por último; 3) Posee principios activos que cuando toman contacto con el virus lo inactivan, disminuyendo o anulando así su capacidad virulenta. De esta manera se genera una protección prolongada de las superficies donde se aplica, evitando los contagios dados por contacto de estas superficies contaminadas. El producto puede aplicarse mediante rociado o pulverizado, permitiendo una rápida aplicación y reaplicación. - Artículo
Acceso Abierto Design and manufacture of insulation panels based on recycled lignocellulosic waste(2021) Jensen, María Sol; Alfieri, Paula VanesaThis paper has been focused on the properties of construction material based on cellulose. More specifically, their use as non-bearing walls, coating-panels and/or anti-humidity panels. It has been obtained from the recycling of urban waste, such as paper and paperboard. The performance of this material has been evaluated in relation to five parameters: dimensional stability against humidity, fire action, decay resistance front fungal degradation, and, their behavior as temperature and acoustics isolation. The performance of manufactured materials has been verified considering environmental factors, and simulating the condition of the material in service. This yielded satisfactory results in relation to all the agents mentioned, which allows concluding that the material fulfills the desired function. It has been concluded that the designed and manufactured panels have the necessary characteristics to replace insulating materials or Gypsum plasterboard type enclosure, extending the range of materials for this function, through the incorporation of a new option based on recycled raw material, low-cost manufacture and minimal energy resources used.