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Acceso Abierto Diversidad de invertebrados bentónicos del Río de la Plata(2000) César, Inés Irma; Ocón, Carolina S.; Paggi, Analía Constancia; Rodrigues Capítulo, Alberto; Spaccesi, Fernando G.; Tangorra, M.; Tassara, Mónica P.The Rio de la Plata river present along the south coastal fringe different invertebrate assemblages related with substrate type, size sediment grains and organic matter content into the bedsediments. Other important factors influencing the distribution of benthos community in this river are the salinity and suspended solids of the water and the proximity to the riverside which increases the diversity of the habitats. The purpose of this study is to describe the taxonomic composition and ecological characteristics of the meso and macrobenthos associated with the river bed from Delta del Paraná to Magdalena, in Buenos Aires province. The listed taxa are the result of the revised literature and original data obtained from periodical samplings since 1993 till 1998. The principal components of the zoobenthos in the studied area were the allochthonous molluscs Corbicula fluminea on sandy and muddy bottoms and Limnoperna fortunei on hard substrates of the riverside. The nematods and oligochaetes dominated sediments with high allochthonous organic matter content imported from urban effluents. Palaemonetes argentinus, Macrobrachium borelli, Claudicuma platensis, Sinelobus stanfordi, Basphaeroma rhonbofrontale and Trichodactylus panoplus were the more common crustaceans in non polluted areas. - Artículo
Acceso Abierto Estudio ictiológico del puerto de la ciudad de Buenos Aires(2000) Remes Lenicov, Mauricio; Colautti, Darío C.The port of Buenos Aires is located in the Rio de la Plata river on the riverside of the homonymous city. The fish community that inhabits the port water’s was studied in order to know the specific composition, relative abundance, spatial distribution and its relationships with the port activities. Ten sampling places were considered, seven inside the port and three in the access channels. The sampling was realised on August and September of 1998, using active and passive fishing gears. Diversity indices, Margalef' (Rl) and Shannon and Weaver (HO, were calculated. A cluster analysis was carried out with relative abundance of each taxa. In access channels, four species were captured and its relative abundance and diversity were similar for each stations. Contrarily inside the port twenty-seven species was registered, the relative abundance and specific composition were more fluctuate than out side. The heterogeneity observed in the distribution of the fish community would be linked to the design of the port and the activities that are developed in each place. - Artículo
Acceso Abierto Diversidad fitoplanctónica en la franja costera sur del Río de la Plata(2000) Gómez, Nora; Bauer, Delia ElenaDiversity of phytoplankton from the Southern Coastal Fringe of the Rio de la Plata between 58°32' and 57°41' W, up to 10 km from the coast line was analized. The present study show the results of the sampling carried outside peces between 1993-1997. The species identified were illustrated and a brief ecological and meristic description was done for each taxon. A total of 211 samples were analysed and 172 taxa were found. The phytoplankton structure showed the predominance of few species and the highest diversity was located near the coast. The green algae and the diatoms were frequents and sometime the most abundant groups. Suspend solids carried by the river, stational and climatic changes and antropic disturbance are the most important factors in phytoplankton development. A few brachish-water or marine species have been found in the zone studied. According to ecological features the phytoplankton analysed was eutrophic, oligohalophilous and mesosaprobic. - Artículo
Embargado Phytoplankton of a small lowland stream related to water quality and hydraulic discontinuities(2002) Bauer, Delia Elena; Conde, María E.; Gómez, NoraThe structure and dynamics of the phytoplankton related to water quality and hydraulic characteristics were studied in a 12 km reach of the Rodríguez Stream, a tributary of the Río de la Plata, in Argentina. This stream includes a small artificial pond. Samples were taken seasonally along a year at three sites at the stream and once at the pond. Water quality according to physical and chemical parameters was better at site 1 than at downstream sites. Changes in phytoplankton assemblages descriptors were observed with increasing nutrients and water residence time. The spatial water quality changes are coincident with the hydraulic discontinuity. This situation suggests a synergic effect among the phytoplanktonic descriptors that were analyzed. There was a high percentage of species belonging to euglenoids followed by green algae and diatoms. Loricated euglenoids were dominant at site 1, clorococcalean greens dominated at the pond and decreased progressively downstream, at sites 2 and 3. Gomphonema parvulum, Nitzchia palea and N. umbonata were abundant in the latter sites, where current velocity increased. Our results also show the integrating character of the phytoplankton in this small stream where it can reach considerable development due to the low gradient ($latex <10^{-3} $), and specially to the presence of the pond. - Artículo
Acceso Abierto Estudios zoobentónicos recientes en el Río de la Plata(2004) Rodrigues Capítulo, Alberto; Ocón, Carolina S.; Tangorra, M.; Paggi, Analía Constancia; Cortelezzi, Agustina; Spaccesi, Fernando G.The present study shows the most important results in the sampling carried out in the Río de la Plata river from the year 1993. The main components of the zoobenthos in the studied area were the oligochaetes and nematods, particularly in sectors with high organic matter content and low dissolved oxygen. Tubificidae was very frequent, mainly Limnodrilus claparedeianus. A prevalence of Corbicula fluminea among the mollusks was observed in the coastal area in association with Limnoperma fortunei. This assemblage supports the presence of macroinvertebrates as Hirudinea, Temnocephala, Lumbriculidae, etc. Chironomidae showed an almost constant presence in the internal and intermediate areas of the river. The most frequent microcrustaceous were Copepoda, Cladocera, Ostracoda and their larval forms. In the offshore of the river the mollusks, annelids, crustaceans and nematods were present in the great majority of the sampling sites. Polychaeta were present in 90% of the sampling places being Nephtidae the most abundant genus. Corbicula fluminea dominated in the interior sector of the river and it was replaced by Erodona mactroides and Mactra isabelleana in the external area. Rapana venosa was also observed in this area. Different benthic assemblages were determined and their faunistic composition varied in function of the substrate, silt, size, coast, proximity, organic matter content and food resources. - Comunicacion
Acceso Abierto First records of invasive snail Melanoides tuberculatus (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia: Thiaridae) to the Iguazú River basin, Argentina – Brazil(2007) Gutierrez Gregoric, Diego E.; Nuñez, María Verónica; Ferrando, Noelia Soledad; Rumi, AlejandraIn this work is reported the first record of Melanoides tuberculatus in the Iguazú River basin (Argentina-Brazil). This species is native to southern Asia and was anthropogenically introduced to America in the 1960s decade. Sixteen specimens (one adult and 15 juvenile) of M. tuberculatus were recorded at only one site, the rapids of Iguazú River at Isla San Martín, Iguazú National Park, Argentina, in June 2005. This finding of M. tuberculatus specimens suggests the presence of a stable population that would represent a threat to the native mollusk fauna, given that this species promotes replacement and impoverishment of mollusk diversity. - Artículo
Acceso Abierto Variación estacional del fitoplancton en la cuenca inferior del Río Salado (provincia de Buenos Aires)(2008) Bazzuri, María Elisa; Gabellone, Néstor Adrián; Solari, Lía C.The main aim of this survey was to analyze seasonal variations in phytoplankton composition, relating its behaviour to temperature and conductivity, at El Destino (ED) sampling site in the Salado river lower-basin. A total of 28 phytoplankton samples were taken twice a week from 9/3 to 20/7/2004 and were analysed according to Utermöhl method. In total, 145 algae taxa were identified, although rare species were discarded in order to avoid statistical misinterpretation. Correlation coefficients and autocorrelation analyses (Q-Ljung-Box statistic) were performed in order to establish seasonal patterns of species abundance. Significant autocorrelations (p <0.05) were observed between phytoplankton species and temperature-conductivity patterns, thus illustrating their seasonal behaviour. Moreover, taxa were grouped according to their occurrence during different water temperature periods: (1) a ‘summer’ group, included 41 species that were well represented during warm-waters (>22ºC) like Planctonema lauterbornii, Chondrocystis dermochroa, Geminella interrupta, Chrooccocus spp., Merismopedia spp., among others; (2) a ‘winter’ group, which included 10 species whose highest densities were reached during the cold-waters period (<12ºC) for e.g. Binuclearia sp, Nitzschia fruticosa, Schroederia indica, Microcystis firma; (3) a ‘transitional’ group, of only 4 species with abundance peaks during ‘intermediate’ conditions (15.5ºC average) with Closteriopsis acicularis and Nodularia spumigena being the most remarkable; and (4) an ‘indifferent’ group, with 29 species of random behaviour whose autocorrelations remain within confidence limits, like Thorakochloris nygaardii, Pseudoanabaena limnetica, Monoraphidium giffithii, Scenedesmus linearis, etc. An evident seasonal succession was detected, having species substitution from summer warm-stagnant adapted species to cold-waters favoured ones, hence indicating different successional stages. - Documento de conferencia
Acceso Abierto Influencia ecológica de los canales de drenaje de la pampa arenosa en la cuenca superior del río Salado (Bs. As., Argentina)(2010) Bazzuri, María Elisa; Gabellone, Néstor Adrián; Solari, Lía C.La construcción de canales en la cuenca superior de río Salado ha provocado cambios en su red de drenaje, vinculando zonas arreicas de alto contenido salino provenientes de la Pampa Arenosa. Con el fin de estudiar sus consecuencias en la dinámica ecológica del río se analizaron parámetros físico-químicos y muestras de plancton para 5 sitios de muestreo en Mayo 2007. Los canales aportan al sistema aguas salinas, ricas en nutrientes, de bajo contenido en oxígeno disuelto (OD) y abundante plancton (cianobacterias coloniales, rotíferos y ciliados). En el río se observaron aguas con menor tenor salino, mayor OD y diferente composición planctónica (clorofitas clorococales y escaso zooplancton). En condiciones de aguas altas no se observaron modificaciones en las características del río aguas abajo del trasvase. Estos resultados muestran que el sistema de humedales asociados amortiguan los aportes alóctonos de las canalizaciones y su influencia no debería desestimarse en futuros proyectos hidráulicos. - Artículo
Embargado Temporal distribution of cyanobacteria in the coast of a shallow temperate estuary (Río de la Plata): some implications for its monitoring(2014) Sathicq, María Belén; Gómez, Nora; Andrinolo, Darío; Sedán, Daniela; Donadelli, Jorge L.The aim of this study was to analyze the temporal distribution of phytoplanktonic cyanobacteria in a site located in the freshwater tidal zone near the extraction point for the drinking water supply. Samples were taken considering three timescales as follows: hours, days, and weeks, during the period of highest development of cyanobacteria. The phytoplankton density, microcystin concentration (LR, RR, YR), and chlorophyll-a were related to meteorological variables (wind and temperature), tidal high, and physicalchemical variables (nutrients, pH, conductivity, light penetration). The results obtained in this study showed that the variables that primarily modulate the temporal distribution of cyanobacteria were temperature, pH, light penetration, conductivity, and nutrients (particularly NO3 − and NH4 + ), while the winds and tide had a secondary effect, only evidenced at an hourly scale. Therefore, this timescale would be the most suitable for monitoring cyanobacterial populations, when the amount of cyanobacterial cells exceeds the alert I level proposed by the World Health Organization. This recommendation is particularly important for the water intake zones in Río de la Plata, which are vulnerable to the damage generated by cyanobacteria on the water quality. - Contribucion a revista
Acceso Abierto Evaluación de calidad de agua mediante el estudio de macroinvertebrados(2015) Mauad, MelinaLos crecientes problemas de degradación ambiental que mundialmente afectan a los ecosistemas acuáticos han llevado a la necesidad de monitorear la calidad del agua de los mismos y una de las maneras más prácticas y a la vez más eficientes, es el monitoreo biológico utilizando los macroinvertebrados bentónicos. El objetivo general de este trabajo fue la aplicación de distintos índices bióticos en tres sistemas de ríos y tributarios dentro del Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi (PNNH) que presentaron diferentes disturbios antrópicos: sistema Challhuaco-Ñireco, sistema Catedral-Gutiérrez y sistema Manso Inferior-Villegas. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de los análisis físico-químicos del agua, del análisis taxonómico de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados bentónicos, de la aplicación y la comparación de los diferentes índices bióticos y del análisis estadístico aplicado, permitieron realizar una evaluación de la calidad de las aguas en dichos sistemas acuáticos y una comparación de los diversos índices considerados, pudiendo indicar cuál es el más apropiado para aplicar en la zona de estudio y para realizar futuros biomonitoreos en otros sistemas lóticos de Patagonia Norte. - Artículo
Acceso Abierto New approaches for growth improvement in pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis (Valenciennes, 1835) culture (Atherinomorpha: Atherinopsidae)(2015) Solimano, Patricio J.; García de Souza, Javier Ricardo; Maiztegui, Tomás; Baigún, Claudio R. M.; Colautti, Darío C.The pejerrey is the most important recreational species in shallow temperate lakes and reservoirs of Argentina and the attempts to develop its culture have started a century ago. A common constraint of pejerrey aquaculture is its poor growth under traditional intensive rearing techniques. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility to achieve and maintain high growth rates of pejerrey throughout the rearing process by semi-intensive culture method . Four floating cages were installed in La Salada de Monasterio Lake and each one was stocked with 300 juveniles (10.22 ±0.38cm; 6.52 ±0.82g). From January through March all fish were exposed to natural zooplankton as food source, whereas from April to September two cages were supplied daily with artificial food. The fish exposed to artificial supplementary diets exhibited significantly higher growth (17.5 ±0.98cm; 41.05 ±8.55g) than those in the control cages (15.02 ±0cm ; 23.5 ±0.84g), and exceeded the known values in pejerrey culture. The results suggest that the species potential growth is not fully achieved by common intensive methods and it can be improved by semi-intensive techniques. Accordingly a better understanding of the species nutritional requirements is needed to improve growth rates and enhance pejerrey culture. - Artículo
Acceso Abierto Population ecology of Sinelobus stanfordi (Crustacea: Tanaidacea) in a temperate southern microtidal estuary(2015) Ferreira, Ana Clara; Ambrosio, Eugenia; Rodrigues Capítulo , AlbertoSinelobus stanfordi is a tanaidacean of worldwide distribution of considerable significance within coastal ecosystems. The aim of this research was to provide essential information on the poorlyknown population biology of this species. Benthic samples were taken seasonally from winter 2005 through summer 2007 along 155 km of shoreline within the Río de la Plata Estuary, Argentina. The density of this tanaidacean was higher in vegetated than in bare sediments. The smaller individuals flourished in spring and summer, whereas the larger mature members prevailed in the cooler seasons. Females were always twice as abundant as males. Copulatory females, with 18 ± 8 eggs each, were collected during all the seasons. Five cohorts were distinguished by the von Bertalanffy growth function. This research represents a baseline investigation for future studies on the population dynamics of S. stanfordi both in this estuary and in other places where this species is found. - Artículo
Embargado Influence of El Niño Southern Oscillation phenomenon on coastal phytoplankton in a mixohaline ecosystem on the southeastern of South America: Río de la Plata estuary(2015) Sathicq, María Belén; Bauer, Delia Elena; Gómez, NoraThe aim of this study was to analyze the density, diversity, biomass and assemblage composition of the phytoplankton in relation to environmental conditions (physical, chemical, hydrological and meteorological variables), measured under the different scenarios caused by the ENSO phenomenon in the period between 2005 and 2012, in six sampling sites in the tidal freshwater zone of the Río de la Plata estuary, covering almost 100 km of coastline. The results revealed changes in the structure of the phytoplankton, such as a significant reduction of diversity, and decreases in biomass and phytoplankton density, particularly during El Niño phases. Cyanobacteria were more abundant in the neutral periods, Chlorophyceae dominated La Niña phase while Bacyllariophyceae dominated El Niño. However, no complete replacement of species between cycles was observed. The results obtained were highly variable due to the inherent natural variability of the Río de la Plata, emphasized by the anthropogenic impact in this area. - Documento de conferencia
Acceso Abierto Variación espacial en la abundancia de Palaemonetes argentinus (Decapoda) en una laguna pampeana afectada por efluentes urbano-industriales(2016) Altieri, Paula; Paredes del Puerto, Juan M.; Croci, Yasmín; Rodrigues Capítulo, AlbertoEn el siguiente trabajo se estudió la variación de la abundancia espacial del camarón de agua dulce Palaemonetesargentinus en la laguna Las Perdices (35°29'S, 58° 50'O), considerando dos sitios de disturbio en la misma, los cuales corresponden a una descarga de una planta de residuos cloacales y a un efluente de una industria avícola. El muestreo se realizó en agosto del 2014 utilizando copos para estimar la abundancia del camarón en dos sitios control de la laguna de Monte, conectada a través de una compuerta con la anteriormente nombrada, y en seis sitios de la laguna Las Perdices, donde se midieron variables físico-químicas in situ y en laboratorio. La abundancia de esta especie en ambas lagunas fue significativamente diferente (p=0,01). En la laguna Las Perdices se hallaron diferencias en la abundancia entre los sitios sin disturbios y aquellos afectados por el efluente de la planta depuradora (p=0,001), en contraste con el sitio alterado por el efluente de la industria avícola, donde no se hallaron diferencias significativas en relación a los sitios no disturbados (p=0,641). Las variables que más explicaron la variación de la abundancia fueron el pH, la conductividad y la concentración de nitratos (r=0,624). En líneas generales se pudo observar y explicar, a través de los análisis estadísticos, una notable variación de la abundancia poblacional del camarón en relación a la presencia de disturbios y la distancia a los mismos, coincidiendo con estudios químicos y físicos previos sobre la laguna. - Artículo
Acceso Abierto A revised and updated checklist of Monogononta rotifers from Argentina(2016) Ferrando, Noelia Soledad; Claps, María CristinaWe provide here a checklist of species of Monogononta rotifers from lentic and lotic environments in Argentina, 25 years after the initial catalogue compiled by Susana B. José de Paggi. This new inventory now includes the reports on rotifers documented in 93 studies produced after 1990. The majority of the investigations were carried out in three of the 24 Argentine provinces. In addition, the presence of 13 species in samples from three water bodies within Buenos Aires province are now cited here for the first time in Argentina. In this updated checklist, a total of 351 species are catalogued, the majority being representatives of the Lecanidae, Brachionidae, and Lepadellidae. - Artículo
Embargado Use of phytoplankton assemblages to assess the quality of coastal waters of a transitional ecosystem: Río de la Plata estuary(2016) Sathicq, María Belén; Gómez, Nora; Bauer, Delia Elena; Donadelli, Jorge L.Among the estuarine ecosystems under anthropogenic stress, the Río de la Plata can represent a case study to help identify phytoplanktonic species diagnosing and warning about water quality changes. The freshwater tidal zone on the coast of Argentina is used for several purposes, including recreational and navigational activities and the provision of drinking water. We analyzed the relationship between the abundance of the phytoplanktonic species, changes in water quality (linked to enrichment with nutrients and organic matter) and the land use on the coast of Argentina. A canonical correlation analysis (CCA) allowed us to identify two environmental gradients, one related to anthropogenic activities, where the most influential factors were BOD5, DIN, PO4 3- and DO, and a second gradient related to turbidity and conductivity. The relative abundances of 24 species were significantly correlated with the deterioration of the water quality. This set of tolerant species is mostly composed of taxa considered C-strategists, and the most represented group was the Chlorococcalean algae. The percentage of this group can provide an early warning indicator of the impairment of the water quality; its abundance exceeded 30% at those sites with a bad water quality (reaching 19000 cell mL-1), and were less than 15% (300 cell mL-1) in sites with a good water quality. The use of a reduced group of species constitutes a potential tool for monitoring, complementing another common indicators such as chlorophyll a or the total density of phytoplankton. Considering that most of these tolerant species are widely distributed it is possible to employ them as a biomonitor in other freshwater zones of temperate estuaries. - Artículo
Acceso Abierto The diet of Pomacea canaliculata (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae) in its native habitat based on gut content and stableisotopes analysis(2016) López van Oosterom, Vanesa; Ocón, Carolina S.; Ferreira, Ana Clara; Rodrigues Capítulo , AlbertoPomacea canaliculata is native to Rio de la Plata basin, and it is invasive in most of South and Southeast Asia after accidental introduction during unsuccessful attempts to establish commercial aquaculture of this species, and being present, the number one pest of rice crops in the region. Investigations in its native habitat are still needed because fundamental issues of its trophic ecology remain unknown. The aim of this research was to study the diet of P. canaliculata in its natural habitat through gut content techniques and stable isotopes of 13C and 15N. Biological samples were taken from November 2009 to December 2010 in Carnaval stream, a characteristic Pampean stream. Samples for stable isotopes of 13C and 15N using of a mixing model were collected in November 2011. The trophic strategy diagram evinced a generalist diet with high consumption of detritus followed by the vascular plants and algae. The mixing model results indicated that the relative contribution to the diet was similar for all basal resources: fine and coarse particulate organic matter, epipelon and aquatic macrophytes (approximately 40 %). These results evidenced a strong dietary plasticity for the species. - Artículo
Acceso Abierto Ecology of the non-native snail Sinotaia cf quadrata (Caenogastropoda: Viviparidae)(2017) Ferreira, Ana Clara; Paz, Estefanía; Rumi, Alejandra; Ocón, Carolina S.; Altieri, Paula; Rodrigues Capítulo , AlbertoSinotaia quadrata is a snail native from Asia recorded for the first time in South America in 2009 in centralArgentina. In 2015, this species was also found in a lowland stream with different water qualities. Our aimswere to contribute to the knowledge of its population ecology and to compare the individuals from the twolocations anatomically. Snails were searched at 6 sites, where physicochemical and hydraulic parameters were measured. Biological samples were also taken at two sites (S3 and S4) to study the population traits of S. cf quadrata (density, sizestructure, fecundity and sex ratio) and to assess the water quality throughmacroinvertebrates’ biological indices (richness, diversity and IBPamp). Physicochemical and biologicalparameters allowed us classifying sites as “moderately polluted” (S3) and “heavily polluted” (S4). At S4,the population showed a lower density, larger individuals, higher fecundity and a scarce representation ofyoung snails. The differences observed in the radula and mantle border of snails from the two geographicalregions might be attributed to environmental differences. We conclude that this species is tolerant to a widerange of environmental variables which, along with its high fecundity and morphological plasticity, couldallow this species to colonize neighbor streams. - Documento de conferencia
Acceso Abierto "AppEAR" y "Caza mosquitos": dos herramientas de ciencia ciudadana para dispositivos móviles que ayudan a contribuir con proyectos científicos a gran escala(2017) Cochero, Joaquín; Di Battista, Cristian Matias; Campos, RaúlLa ciencia ciudadana es el proceso a través del cual ciudadanos se involucran en proyectos científicos, sin ser científicos profesionales. Este proceso de generación de conocimiento tiene muchas ventajas: permite evaluar datos de grandes áreas geográficas, contribuye con la educación ambiental y científica de la población, produce herramientas que pueden ser utilizadas por gestores de recursos para planificar acciones de prevención puntualizadas, y tiene un bajo costo de implementación. En las últimas décadas, el aumento de la disponibilidad de dispositivos móviles inteligentes (smartphones y tablets), ha generado un incremento en la participación de la ciudadanía en estos proyectos, permitiendo la interacción entre los ciudadanos y otros actores de la sociedad como gobiernos estatales o instituciones privadas, y constituyen una herramienta fundamental en la solución de muchas problemáticas del orden público. Mediante esta presentación, se exhibirán dos aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles generadas en nuestro país: AppEAR y Caza Mosquitos . La primera permite a los usuarios evaluar el estado del hábitat de ríos, arroyos, lagos, lagunas y estuarios de Argentina, contribuyendo con el diagnóstico de su ecología. “Caza Mosquitos”, por otro lado, emplea la colaboración de la ciudadanía para la elaboración de una base de datos de la distribución del mosquito Aedes aegypti, y de otras especies de mosquitos de importancia sanitaria. El objetivo final de las apps es proveer de herramientas interactivas, educativas, lúdicas y gratuitas para usuarios no especializados, que permitan obtener datos a lo largo de todo el país, fomentando tanto la concientización del cuidado del medio ambiente y del hábitat acuático, como de la problemática de salud relacionada a los mosquitos. El proceso de entrada de información es similar en ambas aplicaciones: el usuario contesta encuestas, toma fotografías y reporta su localización utilizando el GPS del dispositivo móvil. Los datos son enviados por internet directamente a un servidor centralizado, y la validación de los datos es realizada a distancia por especialistas en las distintas temáticas, empleando las fotografías y los resultados de las encuestas. Los usuarios, a cambio, reciben información adicional sobre el envío que realizaron, y puntos y medallas virtuales. Y en tiempo real se generan mapas online con las ubicaciones de cada registro, de acceso abierto y libre. - Documento de conferencia
Acceso Abierto Stand Up Científico (Popularización entre risas)(2017) Aramburú, Rosana; Farina Martín E.; García de Souza, Javier Ricardo; Saponara, JulianaPopER Stand Up Científico es el primer grupo latinoamericano de comedia en vivo de divulgación científica. En el grupo hay actualmente dieciocho integrantes, entre estudiantes, graduados, postgraduados e investigadores científicos, cubriendo una amplia variedad de disciplinas (biología, química, bioquímica, biotecnología, astronomía, paleontología, física, matemática.). El grupo tiene su origen en el primer curso de stand up científico, iniciativa del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva en el año 2015, que a través del Programa de Popularización de la Ciencia y la Innovación, Tecnópolis y TECtv organizó un curso coordinado por Diego Golombek y dictado por Diego Wainstein. Una vez conformado el grupo, desarrollamos nuestros materiales individuales y grupales buscando, a través del stand up, desmitificar la idea del científico serio, de guardapolvos y anteojos, haciendo foco en la vida personal de los “científicos-standuperos” y su relación con su trabajo. A su vez, se busca comunicar ciencia acercando conceptos e ideas científicas de un modo entretenido: queremos enamorar de la ciencia a los que se acercan, despertar curiosidad en los que todavía no la conocen y resonar en aquellos que ya pertenecen a nuestra comunidad. La invitación es a reírse de/con nosotros. El show es apto para todo público y desde el año 2015 de manera continua presentamos nuestro espectáculo en bares, centros culturales, por ejemplo el Centro Cultural de la Ciencia: (C3), Universidades públicas y privadas (UNLP, UBA, UNQUI, UCALP, UDE, etc.), museos (Museo de La Plata, Museo de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia), escuelas (primarias y secundarias), Congresos y festivales, obteniendo una respuesta positiva por parte de los espectadores. El nombre Poper es un juego de palabras con las iniciales de POPularización Entre Risas y un homenaje al epistemólogo Karl Popper.