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El Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas en Electrónica (ICYTE) es un centro de investigación y desarrollo tecnológico dedicado a la Electrónica. En este instituto son centrales la transferencia de tecnología al medio socio-productivo y la formación de investigadores altamente calificados.
El ICYTE se encuentra organizado en laboratorios con diversas temáticas de investigación: Electrónica de potencia, Comunicaciones, Sistemas caóticos, Bioingeniería, Sistemas complejos y Computación cuántica, Instrumentación virtual y robótica, Sensores con fibra óptica, Optoelectrónica, Procesamiento digital de imágenes y Componentes electrónicos. El Instituto realiza importantes aportes en los campos de Tecnologías para la salud y calidad de vida y Generación de energía renovable distribuida.
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- Documento de conferencia
Acceso Abierto Desde el movimiento de las olas hasta el de los espermatozoides(2018) Carrica, Daniel Oscar - Documento de conferencia
Acceso Abierto Evaluación y comparación de algoritmos de clasificación de eventos de tensión mediante su implementación en un DSP(2016) Strack, Jorge; Carugati, Ignacio; Orallo, Carlos Martín; Donato, Patricio Gabriel; Maestri, Sebastian; Carrica, Daniel OscarThis paper assesses the experimental implementation of three voltage events classification algorithms. They are known in the literature as symmetrical component algorithm, six-phase algorithm and space vector algorithm. They use the fundamental voltages and sequence’s components estimated by a sequence detector proposed by the authors previously. This detector is synchronized with the network achieving phase and frequency adaptation and high rejection to the network disturbances. From implementation of classification algorithm and detector on a DSP (Digital Signal Processor), the performance of each algorithm in the classification of real events and their possible application in a PQM (Power Quality Monitor) was evaluated. - Documento de conferencia
Acceso Abierto Proyecto de vinculación y transferencia tecnológica del ICYTE en Ciudades Inteligentes(2020) Carrica, Daniel OscarEl Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas en Electrónica (ICYTE) es un Centro Asociado CIC y una UE doble dependencia CONICET- UNMDP. Está ubicado en MDP y posee 86 integrantes. El ICYTE propone realizar acciones de vinculación tecnológica en el tema de las “Ciudades Inteligentes (CI)” que son ciudades innovadoras que utilizan tecnologías avanzadas de sensores, de comunicaciones y de procesamiento de la información para mejorar la calidad de vida de sus habitantes y para manejar los recursos e infraestructura de manera más eficiente. Las siguientes son los campos de aplicacion posible dentro de CIs: Energía Inteligente, Movilidad Inteligente, Edificios Inteligentes y Estado Inteligente. Las acciones de vinculación propuestas por el ICYTE son: Capacitación de RRHH, asesoramientos de factibilidad, asesoramientos sobre aplicaciones a desarrollar, asesoramientos sobre tecnologías a utilizar y desarrollo de proyectos piloto. - Artículo
Acceso Abierto SiO2-CaO-P2O5 (58S) sol gel glass applied onto surgical grade stainless steel by spray technique: morphological characterization by digital image processing(2016) Omar, S.; Pastore, Juan Ignacio; Bouchet, Agustina; Pellice, S.; Ballarín, Virginia Laura; Ceré, S.; Ballarre, J.AISI 316L stainless steel is commonly used as a low-cost material for permanent implants. It can be protected for degradation and corrosion by applying a hybrid silica based coating. Also the bioactive response of the implant can only be achieved by functionalizing the coated implant surface. The aim of this work is to synthesize and characterize a sol-gel made glass particles from the system SiO2-CaO-P2O5 with potential as bone inductive material, with and without an aging treatment of the precursor solution. The glass was synthesized by sol-gel technique that, comparing with melt glasses, generates an open net structure that could lead to particle dissolution and apatite deposition for biological purposes. The synthesized glass is dispersed by spray onto AISI 316L protected by a hybrid silica based coating, generating deposits with different size and morphology. To characterize the particles composition, microRaman spectroscopy was applied. It showed that no significant changes were reached after aging or thermal treatment of the deposited particles. Image processing techniques based on Mathematical Morphology were used to analyze morphology and sizes of the deposits obtain with the different sols (aged and no aged). Aproximately 50% of the surface was covered with particles made with a glass aged, and a 25% of covered area was reached with no aged one. When no aged glass particles were deposited, the particle size distribution shows the presence of many big particles with a roundness factor between 0.8 and 1 in a high percentage, meaning that they are spherical due to the presence of solvent and with a more open glass structure in the no aged glass. The Digital Image Processing and Raman spectroscopy tools help to analyze, characterize and quantify the bioactive particles deposited onto coated surgical grade stainless steel in terms of morphology, distribution and composition. - Artículo
Embargado Study on Single-bin Sliding DFT algorithms: Comparison, stability issues and frequency adaptivity(2015) Orallo, Carlos Martín; Carugati, Ignacio; Donato, Patricio Gabriel; Maestri, SebastianThe standard method for spectrum analysis is the Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT), typically implemented using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm. However, certain applications require an on-line spectrum analysis only on a subset of M frequencies of an N-point DFT ( M< N ) . In such cases, the use of Single-bin Sliding DFT (Sb-SDFT) is preferred over the direct application of FFT. Along these lines, the most popular algorithms are the Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform (SDFT), the Sliding Goertzel Transform (SGT), the Modulated Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform (mSDFT), and the S. Douglas and J. Soh algorithm (D&S). Even though these methods seem to differ, they are derived from the conventional DFT using distinct approaches and properties. To better understand the advantages, limitations and similarities each of them have, this work thoroughly evaluates and compares the four Sb-SDFT methods. What is more, the direct application of these Sb-SDFTs may lead to inaccuracies due to spectral leakage and picket-fence effects, common pitfalls inherited by every DFT-based method. For this reason, a unified model of the Sb-SDFT methods is proposed, whose aim is to design a frequency adaptive control loop. This frequency adaptability allows to mitigate the problems associated with improper sampling frequency. By using this unified model, the election of the Sb-SDFT algorithm is independent of the controller design and all the methods are equivalent. Theoretical results are validated by simulations and a DSP implementation of the four frequency adaptive Single-bin Sliding DFT methods. - Artículo
Embargado Variable, fixed, and hybrid sampling period approach for grid synchronization(2017) Carugati, Ignacio; Orallo, Carlos Martín; Maestri, Sebastian; Donato, Patricio GabrielAlmost all synchronization methods that can be found in the literature are based on a fixed sampling period approach and implemented by the addition of filter stages to the conventional Synchronous Reference Frame Phase Locked Loop (SRF-PLL) structure. A less common approach is the variable sampling period (VSP), used in methods like VSP-PLL. These methods allow implementing a synchronous sampling period which automatically adapts the monitoring and control systems to the grid voltage and current, improving their processing performance. Notwithstanding the advantages of the synchronous sampling period approach, this operation principle is not commonly adopted in the literature since a proper design is required to avoid implementation problems and possible conflicts with other modules. This manuscript reviews the advantages of VSP approach, unveils similarities between VSP-PLL and SRF-PLL that allow improving the understanding of the former by comparing it to the latter, and provides guidelines for a proper implementation of a synchronous sampling method. In addition, a Hybrid Sampling Period (HSP) approach that combines the advantages of SRF-PLL and VSP-PLL is proposed. The three approaches are compared, the advantages of hybrid methods are discussed and the methodology for adopting the VSP and HSP approach in most fixed sampling period method is presented. Finally, the proposal is verified by experimental implementation.