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Acceso Abierto Selection of Evolutionary Multicriteria Strategies: Application in Designing a Regional Water Restoration Management Plan(2013) Udías, Angel; Redchuk, Andrés; Cano, Javier; Galbiati, LorenzoSustainability of water resources has become a challenging problem worldwide, as the pollution levels of natural water resources (particularly of rivers) have increased drastically in the last decades. Nowadays, there are many Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) technologies that provide different levels of efficiency in the removal of water pollutants, leading to a great number of combinations of different measures (PoM) or strategies. The management problem, then, involves finding which of these combinations are efficient, regarding the desired objectives (cost and quality). Therefore, decisions affecting water resources require the application of multi-objective optimization techniques which will lead to a set of tradeoff solutions, none of which is better or worse than the others, but, rather, the final decision must be one particular PoM including representative features of the whole set of solutions. Besides, there is not a universally accepted standard way to assess the water quality of a river. In order to consider simultaneously all these issues, we present in this work a hydroinformatics management tool, designed to help decision makers with the selection of a PoM that satisfies the WFD objectives. Our approach combines: 1) a Water Quality Model (WQM), devised to simulate the effects of each PoM used to reduce pollution pressures on the hydrologic network; 2) a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA), used to identify efficient tradeoffs between PoMs’ costs and water quality; and 3) visualization of the Pareto optimal set, in order to extract knowledge from optimal decisions in a usable form. We have applied our methodology in a real scenario, the inner Catalan watersheds with promising results. - Artículo
Embargado Selection of Evolutionary Multicriteria Strategies: Application in Designing a Regional Water Restoration Management Plan(2012) Udías, Ángel; Redchuk, Andrés; Cano, Javier; Galbiati, LorenzoSustainability of water resources has become a challenging problem worldwide, as the pollution levels of natural water resources (particularly of rivers) have increased drastically in the last decades. Nowadays, there are many Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) technologies that provide different levels of efficiency in the removal of water pollutants, leading to a great number of combinations of different measures (PoM) or strategies. The management problem, then, involves finding which of these combinations are efficient, regarding the desired objectives (cost and quality). Therefore, decisions affecting water resources require the application of multi-objective optimization techniques which will lead to a set of tradeoff solutions, none of which is better or worse than the others, but, rather, the final decision must be one particular PoM including representative features of the whole set of solutions. Besides, there is not a universally accepted standard way to assess the water quality of a river. In order to consider simultaneously all these issues, we present in this work a hydroinformatics management tool, designed to help decision makers with the selection of a PoM that satisfies the WFD objectives. Our approach combines: 1) a Water Quality Model (WQM), devised to simulate the effects of each PoM used to reduce pollution pressures on the hydrologic network; 2) a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA), used to identify efficient tradeoffs between PoMs’ costs and water quality; and 3) visualization of the Pareto optimal set, in order to extract knowledge from optimal decisions in a usable form. We have applied our methodology in a real scenario, the inner Catalan watersheds with promising results. - Artículo
Acceso Abierto Singularities of the University Spin-off in Northern Argentina(2016) Zachman, Patricia Paola; Redchuk, AndrésIn recent decades, Argentinian universities, are inserted into the productive environment from creating business incubators university, turned into one of the mechanisms for technology transfer reference. These companies, known as Spin-Off, ideally arise from the knowledge generated within universities. This paper presents a brief summary, the findings of a study of the main characteristics and current status, degree of technological linkage of Argentinian universities geographically located in the north, to the conversion of scientific research in business and commercial value. The information was obtained through semi-structured interviews with a representative sample of spin-off members of accredited at the Ministry of Industry of the Nation and of secondary sources for the analysis of the factors affecting the growth of these companies’ interviews. The creation of companies born in the university is a complex phenomenon to study multifactorial reasons for intervening in it. This exploratory study can give some guidance to universities not copy a system, but that adapt best practices to their regional needs, academic infrastructure and economic investments and to obtain optimal results in the creation of technology-based companies. - Documento de conferencia
Acceso Abierto Efecto del tiempo de superpulso de soldadura sobre la evolución microestructural de un acero de bajo carbono(2016) Gualco, Agustín; Raad, F.; Zappa, SebastiánEl tipo de arco Súper Pulso fue desarrollado para proporcionar una solución a los cordones de pasada de raíz de juntas a tope, en el proceso de soldadura semiautomático con protección gaseosa (GMAW). A diferencia de la soldadura por pulsos estándar, el Súper Pulso utiliza una secuencia de diferentes formas de onda de pulso para crear una forma y aspecto de cordón similar al proceso GTAW. Utiliza bajo amperaje en la fase primaria para reducir el calor aportado y más alto amperaje en la segunda fase para mejorar la penetración. La velocidad de soldadura e incluso la penetración se proporcionan durante la fase de transferencia en spray, mientras que la entrada de calor se reduce durante la segunda fase (transferencia en corto, arco corto o pulsado). Se utiliza la transferencia de spray en la fase primaria para mejorar la penetración y arco pulsado en la fase secundaria para enfriar el baño de soldadura dando menos transferencia de calor y menos distorsión al material de base. En la literatura hay poca información respecto a la relación entre las variables del Súper Pulso y las características microestructurales del metal depositado. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la influencia de los tiempos de cada fase en modo Súper Pulso, sobre las características geométricas del cordón, la dilución y la solidificación en depósitos de soldadura de aceros con bajo contenido de carbono. Para tal fin, se soldaran cordones sobre una chapa IRAM - IAS U500 - 42 - F24 variando el tiempo de fases del Súper Pulso. Sobre cortes transversales se determinó la geometría de los cordones, el grado de dilución, la microestructura y sobre cortes longitudinales las características de las zonas fundidas y afectadas. Resultados preliminares mostraron que la geometría del cordón y la solidificación estuvieron fuertemente influenciadas por los parámetros del pulso. - Parte de libro
Acceso Abierto Reinterpretando la Informalidad Empresarial en el Sector Industrial de la Madera, en la Provincia del Chaco, Argentina(2014) Fernández,José Sergio; Sáez Mosquera, Inty; Redchuk, AndrésAlgunos estudios parecen concluir que las principales barreras de accesoy permanencia de los pequeños negocios en la formalidad, correspondencon el mal funcionamiento del Estado, lasciencias eninfraestructura, servicios y condiciones de acceso alnanciamiento.Asimismo señalan aspectos relacionados con el acceso a mercados (internosy externos), y los aspectos tributarios y laborales. Cada uno deestos aspectos contribuye a aumentar la distancia entre la formalidad ylas pequeñas empresas y en consecuencia, disminuir el potencial atractivode la formalidad a las PyMEs y micro-empresas. El denominadorcomún de todos estos aspectos resulta ser el denominado costo de laformalidad. - Libro
Acceso Abierto Optimización matemática con R(Bubok Publishing, 2013) Baquela, Enrique; Redchuk, AndrésLos problemas del mundo real son, en general, no lineales enteros mixtos y de gran dimensión. Poder resolver esa clase de problemas es de vital importancia para todo profesional. Es conveniente disponer de algoritmos eficientes y robustos para su resolución. El software R, ha demostrado ser muy eficiente para programar e implementar las técnicas estadísticas y los algoritmos de optimización más tradicionales.