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    GAP-a-Farm: A tool to support GAP compliance and information based decision making in horticulture
    (Springer, Cham, 2025) Fernández, Alejandro; Marconi, Andres; del Pino, Mariana; Baumont de Oliveira, Francis; Hernández, Jorge
    Adoption of information technology in horticulture is low, especially in developing countries. Governments across the world issue new regulation to govern the application of good agricultural practices affecting production, storage and selling activities, while certification program require that farmers keep detailed records of farm events, for auditing purposes. These changes in the context of horticultural practices, represent an opportunity to test whether a compliance and decision support systems can shift farmers processes to utilize technology incorporating data and expert advice. GAP-a-Farm is a tool to ease record keeping, and to turn recorded data into alerts and advice. This chapter documents the key aspects of the system’s design, and reports on preliminary discussions with end-users that take part in a pilot study in Argentina.
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    Los procesos de co-producción y emergencia de innovaciones en Grandes Sistemas Informáticos del sector público: el caso e-Sidif
    (Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (CIECTI), 2023) Baum, Gabriel; Yoguel, Gabriel; Lepratte, Leandro; Cahais, Hernán
    El desarrollo de grandes sistemas de información en el ámbito público representa un desafío tecnológico, organizacional y político con impactos directos e indirectos a nivel social y económico. En ese marco, el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar en forma estilizada los resultados más relevantes del Proyecto “Evaluación, análisis y proyección de un programa de innovación sociotécnico construido sobre la base del Sistema Integrado de Información Financiera Internet (e-Sidif)”
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    Evaluation of a Model-Driven Proposal to the Development of Groupware Systems
    (2022) Bibbo, Luis Mariano; Pons, Claudia Fabiana; Fernández, Alejandro; Zhao, Jingyuan; Richards, Joseph
    Building groupware is a complex task. This chapter presents the use of the domain-specific language CSSL v2.0 collaborative software system language. CSSL provides simplicity, expressiveness, and precision to model the main concepts of collaborative systems, especially collaborative processes, protocols, and awareness. Models of collaborative systems are created via visual editors that support the concrete syntax of CSSL. According to the MDD methodology, models are independent of the implementation platform and are formally prepared to be transformed. In this implementation, the target of the transformation is a web application that provides a set of basic functions that developers can refine. Evaluation, validation, and verification of the language is performed, determining that the CSSL tools allow developers to solve central aspects of collaborative systems implementation in a simple and reasonable way. The evaluation determined that the CSSL metamodel has low complexity, with semantics strongly associated with UML and with good configuration possibilities.
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    Studying the User Experience of an Educational AR-Based App for Smart Glasses
    (Springer, 2022) Santana, Ronny; Rossi, Gustavo Héctor; Rybarczyk, Yves; Méndez, Gonzalo Gabriel; Vera, Francisco; Rodríguez, Andrés; Mendoza, Patricio
    The steady evolution of wearable technology—along with augmented reality (AR)—has enabled important advances in teaching and learning. We present STEM Education, an interactive AR application for smart glasses. We evaluate the app’s user experience (UX) with undergraduate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) students. More specifically, we focus on the students’ overall satisfaction, degree of technological acceptance, mental workload, and emotional response. Our observations suggest that the app improves the student’s learning quality, while promoting high levels of engagement and satisfaction. We discuss these findings and their implications in the design of similar technology for educational contexts.
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    Historia de la IPO/HCI
    (2022) Rodríguez, Andrés
    Conocer la historia de las disciplinas que se enfocan en la interacción entre personas y ordenadores es una buena manera de poner en valor el origen de principios y herramientas que hoy damos por sentado, como si hubieran existido desde siempre y obedecieran a algún tipo de orden natural de las cosas. Además, es sabido que no siempre lo que nos trajo hasta aquí será lo mismo que nos lleve hacia dónde queremos ir. Explicitar algunas de las tendencias históricas puede ayudarnos a decidir qué deberíamos hacer de manera distinta si queremos modificar ese curso. Este capítulo es un brevísimo resumen histórico de una disciplina que ha sabido conjugar muy bien sus variantes académica (conocida como Interacción Persona Ordenador, IPO) y profesional (el Diseño de Experiencias de Usuario, DUX). Presentamos algunos hechos y personajes fundacionales, ideas que los motivaron y caminos que abrieron. Recorremos los hitos que nos han traído desde la propuesta de una máquina para extender la memoria humana hasta los dispositivos ubicuos y conectados con los que convivimos hoy y que en muchos casos parecen conocernos mejor que nosotros mismos y anticiparse a nuestras necesidades y deseos.
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    Desafíos de usabilidad de aplicaciones nómadas en el automóvil
    (2022) Carvajal Lema, Carlos; Luna-García, Huizilopoztli; Rodríguez, Andrés; Fernández, Alejandro
    Investigadores de la Interacción Humano-Computador han trabajado durante décadas definiendo métodos y técnicas para evaluar la demanda de atención de los sistemas de información en el vehículo (IVIS). La mayoría de métodos requieren entornos de prueba costosos y personal altamente capacitado para su implementación. En el ámbito de los ecosistemas de aplicaciones móviles (también conocidos como «apps»), existen pautas y programas de certificación. Las aplicaciones deben pasarlas para que se consideren sistemas preparados para el entorno automotriz. Sin embargo, entrar en la categoría de aplicaciones certificadas no garantiza el pleno cumplimiento de los criterios establecidos por los métodos formales aceptados por la industria automotriz y estándares internacionales. Además, numerosos estudios muestran el alto riesgo de utilizar IVIS durante la conducción, lo que lleva a considerar que los actuales enfoques predominantes para evaluar las demandas de atención de las aplicaciones de automoción y como guía para el diseño de IVIS no son suficientes. Los métodos costo beneficio eficientes aplicables en las primeras fases de desarrollo de aplicaciones, así como las interfaces adaptables al contexto, tienen el potencial de contribuir a la mejora de los entornos de conducción seguros.
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    Book of abstract RUC-APS international conference 2021
    (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2021) Hernández, Jorge; Brockley, Rachel; Antonelli, Leandro; Esteso, Ana; Liu, Shaofeng; Iannacone, Rina; Arias, Horacio; Zarate, Pascale; Kacprzyk, Janusz; Fernández, Alejandro
    This book includes the abstracts of accepted submissions to the 2nd International RUC-APS conference, held online from November 29th to December 2nd 2021.
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    A User Interface for Consistent AHP Pairwise Comparisons
    (Springer, Cham, 2021) Cimadamore, Andrés; Fernández, Alejandro; Ye, Chenhui; Zaraté, Pascale; Kamissoko, Daouda
    Decision Makers generally reason on several criteria, aiming to obtain a total consistency or partial order of several alternatives. MultiCriteria analysis is based on the assumption that such ordering exists. Decision Makers are supported by several kinds of approaches or tools. One approach consists in comparing the criteria two by two, i.e. pairwise comparison, to find the relative importance of each criterion. This relative importance, called weight of criteria, is used to find the final order of alternatives. One methodology, developed by Saaty, called Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP), is based on this principle of pairwise comparison. Having the weights of criteria, the decision makers have then to compare the alternatives two by two for each criterion. Pairwise comparisons are simple to use; however, as the number of items to compare increases, so do the effort of conducting all comparisons and the probability of introducing inconsistencies. In this article we present an innovative approach to conduct pairwise comparisons based on a UI widget that resembles an interactive data plot. It uses the transitivity property of a consistent comparison matrix to infer comparisons. Our hypothesis is that this new approach is more efficient (as it reduces the number of actions the user must conduct to compare all items), more effective (as it limits the sources of inconsistencies), and yields better user satisfaction. We conducted a controlled experiment involving 50 participants. We observed that the proposed widget reduces the effort of making pairwise comparisons, improves the consistency of the comparisons, and leads to a better user experience.
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    Optimizing a Gamified Design Through Reinforcement Learning - A Case Study in Stack Overflow
    (2021) Martin, Jonathan; Torres, Diego; Fernández, Alejandro
    Gamification can be used to foster participation in knowledge sharing communities. While designing and assessing the potential impact of a gamification design in such a context, it is important to avoid work disruption and negative side effects. A gamification optimization approach implemented with deep reinforcement learning based on play-testing approaches helps prevent possible disruptive configuration and has the capability to adapt to different communities or gamification targets. In this research, a case of study for this approach is presented running over the Stack Overflow Q&A community. The approach detects the best configuration for a Contribution, Reinforcement, and Dissemination (CRD) gamification strategy using Stack Overflow historical data in a year. The results show that the approach funds proper gamification strategy configurations. Moreover, those configurations are robust enough to be applied along the time unseen periods.
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    La comunicación: el futuro de las redes sociales
    (2019) Rosen, Marta; Fernández, Alejandro; Muravchik, Carlos Horacio
    En este cápitulo los autores discuten aspectos de privacidad, rol politico, ética y valores de las redes sociales, enmarcando las mismas en el contexto de la evolución de las comunicaciones.