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    Variante enfocada en fidelidad de un algoritmo de extracción de reglas en redes neuronales artificiales
    (2023) Jacinto, Milagros Aylén; Moschettoni, Martín; Pérez, Gabriela Alejandra; Pons, Claudia Fabiana
    Las redes neuronales tienen la capacidad de alcanzar altos niveles de precisión en tareas de clasificación, pero su falta de explicabilidad es un claro inconveniente y lleva a denominarlas “cajas negras”. En este artículo, se presenta una modificación del algoritmo RxREN que se centra en la explicabilidad de las redes neuronales generando reglas precisas y fácilmente interpretables. El objetivo de esta modificación es comprender el proceso de decisión de la red neuronal, y para lograrlo, se analiza la relación entre el nivel de abstracción y su fidelidad. Se implementó un algoritmo con tres configuraciones en dos problemas distintos (Iris, WBC) Se analizó cómo el nivel de abstracción de las reglas afecta su fidelidad, buscando reglas precisas y evaluando el impacto del nivel de abstracción. En conclusión, este estudio tiene por objetivo mejorar significativamente la fidelidad de las reglas generadas por el algoritmo, permitiendo a los usuarios entender mejor el proceso de clasificación y además destacar la importancia de considerar el nivel de abstracción al extraer reglas interpretables y fieles.
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    Accessible Software Design: Thinking Outside the Box
    (2024) Ortiz, Claudia; Challiol, Cecilia; Panessi, Walter
    Accessibility is generally approached as an implementation aspect, and people with disabilities are not involved in the early design stages. On the other hand, the rise of Design Thinking has led to a rethink of whether traditional empathy methods (interviews and surveys) capture the real needs of people, particularly those with disabilities. This paper presents an extension of the article published in the XXIX Argentine Congress of Computer Science (CACIC 2023), where an empathising guideline with people with disabilities using Design Thinking experiences was proposed to design accessible software from scratch. In addition, in the article published in CACIC 2023, this empathising guideline is used to design and explore two experiences with two people, one with motor difficulties (in this case affecting speech and writing) and another with Down syndrome. Furthermore, this article published in CACIC 2023 proposes reflecting on the best resources for empathising. The present work extends the article published in CACIC 2023, expanding with more detail the conceptual framework that frames the empathising guideline and enriching the descriptions of the two experiences. In addition, this present work adds recommendations regarding possible resources to be used in each guideline's item. We hope that this work will contribute to accessible software design.
  • Revisión
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    Methods for concept analysis and multi-relational data mining: a systematic literature review
    (2024) Leutwyler, Nicolás; Lezoche, Mario; Franciosi, Chiara; Panetto, Hervé; Teste, Laurent; Torres, Diego
    The Internet of Things massive adoption in many industrial areas in addition to the requirement of modern services is posing huge challenges to the field of data mining. Moreover, the semantic interoperability of systems and enterprises requires to operate between many different formats such as ontologies, knowledge graphs, or relational databases, as well as different contexts such as static, dynamic, or real time. Consequently, supporting this semantic interoperability requires a wide range of knowledge discovery methods with different capabilities that answer to the context of distributed architectures (DA). However, to the best of our knowledge there is no general review in recent time about the state of the art of Concept Analysis (CA) and multi-relational data mining (MRDM) methods regarding knowledge discovery in DA considering semantic interoperability. In this work, a systematic literature review on CA and MRDM is conducted, providing a discussion on the characteristics they have according to the papers reviewed, supported by a clusterization technique based on association rules. Moreover, the review allowed the identification of three research gaps toward a more scalable set of methods in the context of DA and heterogeneous sources.
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    Estudio de un caso exploratorio sobre influencias cruzadas entre interacción humano-computadora y artes interactivas
    (2024) Rodríguez, Andrés; Fernández, Alejandro
    La Interacción Humano-Computadora (HCI por sus siglas en inglés) y las Artes Interactivas (AI) tienen tradiciones, objetivos, enfoques y herramientas diferentes, aunque mantienen desde hace mucho tiempo una relación de diálogo, intercambio de ideas e incluso polinización cruzada. La presente investigación buscó explorar parte de estas influencias mutuas: identificar temas de HCI que puedan enriquecer la práctica artística y reconocer ideas de AI que puedan incorporarse a la agenda de HCI. La metodología empleada consistió en un estudio de caso exploratorio organizado como una experiencia pedagógica de conceptos de HCI para profesionales de AI que involucró a más de 100 artistas que desarrollaron proyectos de interacciones enactivas. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó el método de Observación Participante. Los principales resultados del análisis de los datos mostraron un entrelazamiento de aportes entre ambas disciplinas en al menos tres aspectos: a) la importancia del trabajo en primera persona, b) las relaciones entre el engagement del usuario y el tiempo de uso, y c) la necesidad de contar con definiciones de Experiencia de Usuario con mayor consenso para facilitar las prácticas de evaluación. En conclusión, este trabajo exploratorio proporciona evidencia de la apropiación por parte de las AI del contenido de la HCI y la existencia los tres aspectos mencionados de entrelazamiento entre las agendas de HCI y las AI.
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    Enhancing the adaptative gamification process through user behavior and context
    (2024) Torres, Diego; Garrido, Juan Enrique; Dalponte Ayastuy, María; Fernández, Alejandro; Collazos, Cesar A.
    This article presents an innovative approach to developing a strategy for situational awareness in an adaptive gamification framework within the context of Collaborative location-based collecting systems (CLCS). The proposed approach involves incorporating five key factors that represent user behavior and context in the adaptive gamification process for CLCS. These factors include player preferences, player status, gamified activities, groupware activities, and project goal status. Each factor is crucial in describing various aspects of the framework and groupware interaction that players should be aware of during their game experience. By acquiring knowledge about these five axes, users can analyze and react appropriately to various situations. This modeling approach enables the early development of awareness and facilitates decision-making. Ultimately, this article serves as a useful guide for improving existing frameworks and enhancing the overall user experience through situational awareness.
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    A Case Study on Teaching HCI to Interactive Art Practitioners (and Learning from Them)
    (2024) Rodríguez, Andrés; Fernández, Alejandro
    The fields of HCI and interactive art have long maintained an increasingly fruitful relationship of dialogue, exchange, cross-pollination, and complementation. From an art perspective, HCI knowledge and strategies deliver novel tools for offering experiences to the public and open new possibilities for artists to investigate and experiment. From the HCI perspective, artists contribute new representations and experimentations of forms of interaction, as well as bring closer the crossover of knowledge areas that are often far from the HCI radar. This paper reports on an exploratory experience of teaching HCI concepts to interactive arts practitioners. Toe experience sought to promote a vibrant connection between both realms. We seek to understand the potential mutual influences between Interactive Art and HCI. We aim to identify the aspects of HCI that can benefit the artist's work and, in that process, recognize the insights that can be captured for the HCI agenda.
  • Contribucion a revista
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    Editorial preface for the special issue on “decision support systems innovation and uncertainty management in agri-food systems”
    (2024) Fernández, Alejandro; Hernández, Jorge E.; Alvarez, Ana Esteso; Antonelli, Leandro; Liu, Shaofeng
    This Special Issue publishes original papers that contribute to Decision Support Systems’ Innovation and Uncertainty Management in Agri-Food Systems. Of particular interest to this issue are works that approach the topic with a perspective on sustainability, relying on a socio-technical contribution where human and social ingredients are important. The issue also includes high-quality revised papers, selected, and extended from the RUC- APS International Conference “Enhancing and implementing Knowledge-based ICT solutions within high risk and Uncertain Conditions for Agriculture Production Systems,” held online, between 29 November and 2 December 2021. This editorial con-tains a brief overview of the seven research articles submitted by the international community.
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    In search of dark patterns in chatbots
    (2024) Traubinger, Verena; Heil, Sebastian; Grigera, Julián; Garrido, Alejandra; Gaedke, Martin
    While Dark Patterns are widely present in graphical user interfaces, in this research we set out to find out whether they are also starting to appear in Chatbots. Dark Patterns are intentionally deceptive designs that trick users into acting contrary to their intention - and in favor of the organization that implements them. Chatbots, as a kind of conversational user interface, can potentially also suffer from Dark Patterns or other poor interaction design, sometimes referred to as Usability Smells. This keeps users from easily achieving their goals and can lead to frustration or limitations for users. To find Dark Patterns and Usability Smells, we analyzed user reports of negative experiences. Since we found no well known dataset of reports, we created the ChIPS dataset with 69 complaints from different web sources, and then classified them as one of 16 established Dark Patterns, potential new Dark Patterns, Usability Smells, or neither. Results show that, even though there are instances of established Dark Patterns, negative experiences usually are caused by chatbot defects, high expectations from users, or non-intuitive interactions.
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    ¿Qué industria de software promovemos y cuál necesitamos?
    (2021) Moncaut, Nicolás; Baum, Gabriel; Robert, Verónica
    En este artículo se discute el tipo de especialización que tiene la industria del software argentina y la forma de inserción en cadenas globales de valor. se argumenta que la ley de software de 2004 con vigencia hasta 2019 ha resultado determinante en la orientación del perfil productivo y comercial del sector. asimismo, se demuestra que la nueva ley de industrias del conocimiento, incluso después de las modificaciones introducidas a comienzos de 2020, tenderá a afianzar esta especialización en lugar de alentar procesos de upgrading en el sector. sostenemos que el modelo promovido desde las políticas públicas ha resultado exitoso en términos de crecimiento de la facturación, empleo y exportaciones del sector. sin embargo, deja vacantes otros espacios de interés para la política pública como la imbricación con el entramado productivo nacional, que incremente la productividad manufacturera y la exportación de productos y servicios de alto valor, con posibilidad de crecimiento basado en la apropiación de rentas de conocimiento.
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    Nota editorial, Electronic Journal of SADIO volumen 22, número 3
    (2023) Lliteras, Alejandra; Agredo Delgado, Vanessa
    Este número de la revista EJS contiene un selecto grupo de artículos del Workshop Decisioning 2022, con foco en la discusión e intercambio de conocimientos entre la academia y los miembros de la industria.
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    Requirements Engineering for Continuous Queries on IoRT Data: a case study in agricultural autonomous robots monitoring
    (2024) Antonelli, Leandro; Badir, Hassan; Bazza, Houssam; Bimonte, Sandro; Rizzi, Stefano
    The Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) is an extension of the Internet of Things, where intelligent mobile devices acquire sensor data and physically act in the environment. IoRT devices produce huge data streams, typically analyzed using continuous queries. We propose an approach to engineer requirements about continuous queries over IoRT data. Our proposal is specifically devised for end-users not skilled in IT and relies, for requirements elicitation, on spreadsheet-like templates called stream tables. Requirements analysis uses a novel UML profile, while requirements specification and validation rely on a fast prototyping tool so as to allow end-users to define continuous queries by themselves and validate them via web-based prototyping. Non-functional requirements are taken into account as well, in the form of available technological resources and data sources, and used for requirements validation. The results of some preliminary tests made with some real users suggest that stream tables are a valuable instrument for the engineering of continuous queries, and that fast prototyping is an effective support to the specification and validation steps.
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    Development iterations based on web augmentation and context tasks
    (2022) Gutiérrez Marticorena, Lucy; Morales, Leonardo; Antonelli, Leandro; Rossi, Gustavo Héctor; Firmenich, Diego
    The use of prototypes in requirements engineering has widely known benefits since they actively involve the stakeholders in the development process. Web Augmentation techniques make it possible to build prototypes relying on existing web applications. Thus, high fidelity mockups can be quickly generated. One of the most critical activities is dividing requirements into tasks and managing them through the development process. This paper proposes an approach that includes high fidelity mockups into the Task-oriented Development approach. The proposed approach consists of the following steps: (i) end-users specifies requirements, (ii) a product owner verifies and prioritizes the requirements, (iii) tasks are defined and included in a kanban board, (iv) developers should provide the functionality, and (v) the product owner should approved the functionality. The main contribution of this approach is to integrate the requirements specified through web augmentation mockups, into the development environment via a task-oriented development approach. Thus, developers will have a rich context that facilitates the understanding of the requirements. At the same time, the management of the development process will have benefits because of the traceability between tasks and requirements. This paper describes the approach proposed, called ”WAMRI”, and an application of its usage, as well as a tool to support the application.
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    ¿Hacia dónde se encamina la industria argentina de software?
    (2022) Moncaut, Nicolás; Baum, Gabriel; Robert, Verónica
    Se analizan las características de la industria de software argentina en el marco de su inserción en cadenas globales de valor y el rol de los incentivos fijados por las dos principales políticas de promoción del sector. Por un lado, la Ley de Software que rigió entre 2004 y 2019, promovió y orientó el patrón de especialización productivo y comercial de esta industria, acorde con los requerimientos de la subcontratación global de servicios informáticos. Por otro lado, la actual Ley de Economía del Conocimiento tiende a afianzar esta especialización en lugar de alentar procesos de cambio estructural del sector software. En este marco se concluye que la orientación de las políticas públicas, si bien ha promovido el crecimiento de la facturación, empleo y “exportación de capacidades” del sector, no ha producido un efecto transversal sobre la productividad de la industria nacional. Finalmente, se presentan algunas propuestas que podrían ayudar a reorientar el perfil productivo y comercial del sector.
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    A Data Service Layer for Web Browser Extensions
    (2023) Tacuri, Alex; Firmenich, Sergio; Fernández, Alejandro; Rossi, Gustavo Héctor
    Nowadays, Web browser extensions are the more convenient way to modify existing Web applications and the browser itself to satisfy non-contemplated requirements. Extensions play an important role because of the relevance that the Web and the Web browser have in our daily life. The functionality offered by Web extensions varies. Many Web extensions are tools that improve the interaction with existing Web sites based on techniques such as mashups and Web augmentation. Accessing and manipulating Web sites’ content is a challenge for the development and maintenance of extensions. In this paper, we present a data service layer that allows extension developers to create APIs based on Web annotations to access existing Web content. The data service layer simplifies the retrieval of structured information from Web pages, without the need of DOM manipulation in the extension code. We provide visual programming tools to create these APIs so there is no need for advanced programming skills, making extension development and maintenance easier.
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    SEMIoTICA - Security Scenarios Modeling for IoT-based Agriculture Solutions
    (2023) Hurtado, Julio Ariel; Antonelli, Leandro; López, Santiago; Gómez, Adriana; Delle Ville, Juliana; Zambrano, Frey Giovanny; Solis, Andrés; Camacho, Marta Cecilia; Solinas, Miguel; Kaplan, Gladys; Muñoz, Freddy
    Agriculture is a vital human activity contributing to sustainable development. A few decades ago, the agricultural sector introduced the Internet of Things (IoT), playing a relevant role in precision and smart farming. IoT developments in farms require a lot of connected devices working cooperatively. It increases the vulnerability of IoT devices mostly because it lacks the necessary built-in security due to their constrained context and computational capacity. Additionally, storage and data processing connecting with edge or cloud servers are the reason for many security threats. To ensure that IoT-based solutions meet functional and non-functional requirements, particularly security, software companies should adopt a security-focused approach to their specification. This paper proposes a method for specifying security scenarios integrating requirements and architecture viewpoints in the context of the IoT in agriculture solutions. The method comprises four activities. First, the description of scenarios for the intended software. After that, scenarios with incorrect system use should be described. Then, these are translated into security scenarios using a set of rules. Finally, the security scenarios are improved. Additionally, this paper describes a preliminary validation of the approach, which software engineers in Argentina and Colombia performed. The results show that the approach proposed allows software engineers to define and analyze security scenarios in the IoT and agriculture contexts with good results.
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    Named Entity Extraction in Requirement Specification: A Comparison
    (2023) Tanevitch, Luciana; Antonelli, Leandro; Torres, Diego
    Software requirements specifications generally are written in natural language. Identifying and extracting the main concepts involved in a requirements specification could be useful for the development process, quality assurance, and software maintenance. However, a computer agent is not able to process and understand immediately the content and information included in the natural language documents. Named entity extraction is a task that involves recognizing entities in a text and linking them to a knowledge graph to disambiguate them. In the field of requirements, applying this task can be useful for building structures that allow for the representation and efficient management of complex information. Different tools are focused in entity extraction and then an entity linking with a specific knowledge graph such as Wikidata. This work compares different named entity extraction tools in the task of extracting entities in a requirements specification.
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    An Approach to Cluster Scenarios According to their Similarity using Natural Language Processing
    (2023) Delle Ville, Juliana; Torres, Diego; Fernández, Alejandro; Antonelli, Leandro
    Scenarios are ideal to capture knowledge in human computer interface software engineering. Requirements engineering is a fundamental part of software development. If errors appear in this stage, it will be expensive to correct them in further stages. The domain experts and the developer team belong to different worlds. This generates a gap in communication between them. Because of it, it is important to use artifacts in natural language to communicate both sides. One simpler approach to specify requirements is Scenarios. They are widely used artifacts that generally describe the dynamics (tasks, activities) to be carried out in some specific situation. Generally, scenarios promote communication and participation from both sides. This can cause some problems. One of these problems is redundancy, that occurs when two stakeholders describe the same situation in different artifacts. This paper proposes an approach to analyze a set of scenarios by grouping them according to their similarity. The similarity is calculated through a series of comparisons of the different attributes of the scenario. This paper also describes a prototype implementing this method. Finally, the paper shows the result of a preliminary evaluation with results about the applicability of the approach.
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    A Method to obtain a Knowledge Representation from a Natural Language Specification of the Domain using the Glossary LEL
    (2023) Antonelli, Leandro; Lezoche, Mario; Delle Ville, Juliana
    Good requirements (correct, consistent, unambiguous, etc.) are crucial to software development success. Errors made in the requirements stage can cost up to 200 times if they are discovered once the software is delivered to the client. Natural language artifacts are the most used tool to write requirements, since they are understandable by the both parties that participate in the software development: the stakeholders and the development team. Nevertheless, natural language can introduce many defects (ambiguity, vagueness, generality, etc.). Formal reasoning is a good strategy to check whether requirements satisfy the attributes of good requirements or not, but formal reasoning cannot be applied to natural language specification with defects. Thus, this paper proposes an approach to write a good specification and obtain knowledge from it. The approach uses a particular lexicon, the glossary LEL, and it suggest guidelines to write good specification, and it also suggest rules to obtain knowledge (concepts and relations) from the glossary LEL. The paper also presents a prototype to assist to this approach, and a preliminary evaluation of the approach.
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    Wiki support for automated definition of software test cases
    (2019) Antonelli, Leandro; Hozikian, Mariángeles; Camilleri, Guy; Fernandez, Alejandro; Grigera, Julian; Torres, Diego; Zarate, Pascale
    The design of tests is a very important step in the software development process since the set of tests should match the users’ expectations (captured through the requirements) with the finished product (the application) in order to show that the requirements are implemented. Being considered as a cumbersome activity, efforts have been made to automatize and alleviate the burden of test generation, but it is still a largely neglected step. We propose taking advantage of existing requirement artifacts, like Scenarios that describe the dynamic of the domain in a very early stage of software development, to obtain tests from them. In particular, the approach proposed complements the Scenarios that are textually described with a glossary, the Language Extended Lexicon. Thus, a set of rules to derive tests from Scenarios is also proposed. The tests are described using the Task/Method model. The main contributions of this work consist of an extension of a previously presented set of rules, and their implementation in a tool based on a media wiki platform that, through semantic support, makes it possible to record Scenarios and the Language Extended Lexicon to obtain the tests in an automatic way.
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    Scenarios, shared understanding, and group decision support to foster innovation networks
    (2023) Agredo-Delgado, Vanessa; Antonelli, Leandro; Collazos, César A.; Fernández, Alejandro; Zaraté, Pascale; Camiller, Guy; Hurtado, Julio; Lezoche, Mario; Motz, Regina; Panetto, Herve; Torres, Diego
    Collaborative innovation involves diverse individuals and organizations working together to develop new ideas, products, or services. Successful collaboration in networked innovation projects is challenging due to the need to cross the knowledge boundaries that exist between organizations, disciplines, and cognitive frames. We propose an approach to support knowledge mobilization and learning in networked innovation projects. Scenarios, stored in a shared repository, are used to capture and share information about application and solution domains. A collaborative process guides participants to reach a shared understanding and construct shared meaning. Stakeholders engage in a collaborative decision-making process of scenario ranking that includes identifying and negotiating comparison criteria. Although the approach is presented with examples in the domain of agriculture, where validation of the constituent elements took place, it is domain independent.